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Vampire Make Over

Vampire Make over

Are you a candidate for a Vampire Make Over

Those with premature wrinkles, high levels of solar damage, or anyone who wants an even tone and fresher appearance to their skin are an ideal candidate for the procedure.  PRP injections can also stimulate hair growth, promote wound healing and scar removal, and promote healing injured joints and tendons.  If you have a history of bleeding disorders, like low platelets you should not seek PRP treatment.


PRP Uses

Also called a Vampire Facial® or PRP Facial this procedure uses platelets, stem cells and growth factors isolated from your own blood to stimulate the body's natural healing process resulting in rejuvenation, tightening, increased glow, and softening of the skin for a beautiful younger and natural result.


Your blood is drawn, an IV is placed, and topical anesthetic cream is applied.  Intravenous anesthesia is offered which makes this somewhat painful procedure into a much more pleasant experience. 


Your blood is spun in a centrifuge concentrating the stem cells and platelet derived growth factors. A microneedling device is then used to infuse the PRP (platelet rich plasma) below the skin where it stimulates new growth of collagen, strengthening elastins, and stimulates skin rejuvenation.  Certain problem areas receive additional subcutaneous injections of PRP.


Over the next few months the skin continues to improve with the effects lasting 1 to 2 years.


Platelet-Rich Plasma makes up less than 1% of blood by volume.  55% is plasma and 45% is red blood cells.  PRP is full of Platelets which release chemicals that trigger the body's own healing powers - Platelets concentrate in wounds when tissue is disrupted and blood vessels breached.  Platelets stop the bleeding and release factors that cause the cells in the injured tissue to multiply and the wound to heal.  

How does a Vampire Make Over work

A Vampire Make Over works in two phases. First, microneedling creates tiny pin pricks in your skin, triggering a wound-healing response that stimulates your skin’s natural collagen and elastin production. Then, to further boost skin cell regeneration, the growth-factor-packed PRP penetrates the skin through the microchannels created via microneedling. 


The PRP from your blood contains platelets that contribute to essential growth functions and healing. These growth factors in the PRP contribute to cell proliferation and differentiation. Over time, the PRP amplifies collagen production, strengthens elastin, increases cell turnover, and spurs growth of new blood vessels, resulting in long-term rejuvenating effects.


You can see increased radiance fairly immediately, and benefits increase over four to six weeks as the production of new collagen increases. Studies show that microneedling and enhanced PRP treatments like the Vampire Make Over can improve everything from sun damage to acne scars


While a single treatment is beneficial for optimal results, studies show a series of three spaced treatments is best with yearly maintenance  treatments. 

What to expect after a Vampire Make Over

Afterward, you’ll look and feel like you have a sunburn, perhaps accompanied by some mild bleeding and bruising. Your skin will be extra sensitive, so protect it from anything that might cause irritation for two to three days.


  • Avoid direct sun exposure and be diligent about applying sunscreen. Physical sunblocks that contain zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are less likely to irritate.

  • Go without makeup. Remember, your skin has tiny holes in it, so anything you apply could potentially penetrate below the surface.

  • Strip your skin-care routine down to the basics: a gentle cleanser and a simple, hydrating moisturizer; but don’t wash your face for at least six hours after your treatment, to allow the PRP time to sink in.

  • Don’t work up a sweat. Sweat contains bacteria that can aggravate your skin.


The entire recovery process shouldn’t take longer than a week, but your skin may remain sensitive for a little longer than that.  Your face will be dry and a little flaky for up to two weeks after the procedure as the old dead skin falls away leaving the rejuvenated skin behind.


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